Food & Drink2 mins ago
What Relation Is He???
I am trying to work out the relationship of a distant relative to my wife.
JJ (1809-1886) was my wife's Gx3 Grandfather.
His brother WJ (1812-1878) had a son TJ (1854-?)
TJ had a son EJJ (1878-1935).
My question is; what relationship is EJJ to my wife??
Hope I've described it clearly, and would appreciate any response/help.
Thank you.
JJ (1809-1886) was my wife's Gx3 Grandfather.
His brother WJ (1812-1878) had a son TJ (1854-?)
TJ had a son EJJ (1878-1935).
My question is; what relationship is EJJ to my wife??
Hope I've described it clearly, and would appreciate any response/help.
Thank you.
You can work it out using the following http://freep ages.genealo gy.rootsweb. /~kordyban/c hart/relatio nship_chart. html
20:46 Fri 22nd Nov 2013
You can work it out using the following
http:// freepag es.gene alogy.r ootsweb .ancest ~kordyb an/char t/relat ionship _chart. html