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Pet Dna Test Companies Query.?

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cleoval | 09:17 Sat 15th Jun 2024 | Pets
4 Answers

Hi I want to do a DNA Test for my Cat.  I am sure she has lion in her Lol.! Can anyone recommend a good company in the UK if possible or a Company that is easy to use.? TIA.



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I've heard that this company is good...but that was for dogs. I've also read that cat breeds are, for the most part, not as distinctive as dogs. But if you want to, why not?;gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWAfgbz5vY3H3Pmtzdhlz1PFYJLCpLd9-wkQOM-6VbEFooKqK6AFE9waAjHyEALw_wcB

I did the Wisdompanel one on my dog.  Very disappointed with the results.

Just told me he was a Border Collie which I, of course, already knew!!  No near relatives were found. 

Not too sure what I was expecting, but for the extortionate price maybe a little more.  I wish I hadn't wasted my money.

I have not done a DNA test on my cats nor would I.  I am guessing that they are 15% devious 50% manipulative 15% very fussy and 20% plotting to kill me all wrapped up in a cloak of cuteness.

I have done human DNA for family research purposes though.

Question Author

HI i have decided on wisdom panel but i have a nervous cat.  Can anyone tell me how i should put the swab in my cats mouth please.?  Should i wrap her in a towel or should i get my husband to hold her in a towel as she loves him more than me.?  TIA.

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