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Good Morning Thursday Birds!

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Smowball | 06:57 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

How is this week going so quickly!?? Can't believe it's Thursday already. MrSmow is away on business tomorrow morning till Saturday eve so I'm already planning the TV scedule  and the nibbles/snacks LOL. An evening selfishly watching all my stuff - bliss! { and yes I can on any nite before anyone says lol)

it's Youngsmows birthday today so will ring him and leave a message for when he finishes work. He's 25 today - where on earth did time go? Seems like yesterday he was here having a major strop because I wouldn't let him play his XBox all night on a school night!! Bless him lol.

So anyone got any plans today? Anything exciting for dinner in the pipeline?? 






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Beef mince and vege curry with mash tonight Smow.

If you ever want a gourmet mealπŸ˜‰

I don't hear from my offspring much these days.

They're busy living the life I hoped they would

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Ooh that sounds tasty! Yes I'd love the recipe pls ; )

How old are your children then Oz?

29, 31, 33 and 35 Smow. 

We adjusted our bonking accordingly 🀣

And there is no recipe, for the curry tonight, left over stuff reheated and served twice with some mash.

A nice cosy evening, one of the things I miss about when we worked, was Mr U being away for a night.  No need to cook a 'proper meal', and settle in front of TV with a glass of wine.

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LOL @ Oz, - 4 like me, and v similar ages. 
im 25,30,33,36.

Exactly ubasses! I never cook a meal if it's just me - something like some nice pate and toast and I'll be happy as Larry lol.


Good morning Smow and everyone, yesterday was a bit like a day off just looking after Bro and Sils Pets: Alaskan malamute (2 yrs), and five cats can't believe it's being over a Month since I was up there Housesitting I was able to for the the day they were double shifting at work.

For me just computer stuff to catch up on and for Tea Mince/onion gravy beef and Mash in a giant Yorkshire pudding,

Weather outside looks a bit murky as it did yesterday but was bright and Sunny in the afternoon oop here in West Yorkshire.

Have a good day everyone whatever she may bring you. 

Morning all.

Morning Smow, yes time seems to be skating by, got a job to know what day it is! Lovely day so far but very windy. Will be busy packing up today to go home. Have a good day all πŸ˜ƒ

Morning folks...lovely and sunny here. My cold came back last and blessed me with a sneezing fit as I tried to 😴 

I've got belly pork tonight...done Thai style with lots of garlic, chilli and coriander. 

Morning all. Getting my lawn cut today by the young lad next door, as we are forecast heavy rain from tomorrow. Very blowy here and quite chilly, no doubt the heating will have to go on during the day. I have tried to avoid that up to now but I suppose it is coming autumn. Tea is going to be lamb stew and roast potatoes.

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Morning Arksided, Rosetta, pasta, Patsy..... : )

Yes today is looking exactly like yesterdays- grey and damp looking all morning then sun came out in the afternoon & it was lovely!

And all these meals are sounding very tasty! 

Woke to a good morning today. The fire that was burning 9kms away from granddaughters riding stable and 90 plus horses is out and the sky is visible. There is still a Smokey smell from the pine and eucalyptus but things are looking better

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Oh wow, that sounds serious!

The north around Porto is badly affected at the moment. 4 fire fighters and 3 civilians havdidin th last couple of days. Fortunately the wind is not a problem and temperatures in low 20s

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Good Morning Thursday Birds!

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