Onlyme26 is wrong. A natural father's name
can be added to a birth record: hangethebirthrecordatalaterdate/birth3e.asp
Your daughter's father can acquire 'parental responsibility'
either through having his name added to the birth record
or by seeking a court order giving him such responsibility. (Such an order may be granted even though his name does not appear on the birth record).
If your daughter's father acquires parental responsibility, you will be committing a serious criminal offence (under the Child Abduction Act 1984) if you take your daughter out of the country without his permission. (The only exception is that, when a court has granted you a residence order, you can take your daughter out of the country for a maximum period of one month without her father's permission): es-parental-responsibility-rules.asp
Your daughter's father might find it very difficult to get his name added to the birth record without your cooperation. However, that doesn't bar him from acquiring parental responsibility through a court order (which the court can grant even if you're opposed to it). See here: hts/DG_4002954
If he gets the relevant court order, you can only move to Germany if you get his consent.