The "Mother" of Baby Peter is one Tracey Connolly, of Penhurst Road, Tottenham. Steven Barker is the the warped and twisted boyfriend . Jason Owen, paedo lodger is actually Jason Barker - brother of the above. 86
the names have been given enough times, but what do you actually think posting them acheives? I dont know them, will never see them and knowing the names does not change the way that i feel about what they did.
That's all very specific information, and worrying that it is now in the public domain!!
It would be an awful shame, and infuriating if they received less of a punishment, due to the fact that the defence might claim an unfair trial!!
I wish people would stop posting this type of stuff. The names have been with-held from the public for legal reasons, not for any one-upmanship!! Jeez!!
It's not a a secret that due to legal reasons certain apspects of any criminal investigation are kept from the public domain. And there are very good reasons for this. Not least of all the need for an IMPARTIAL jury, etc. Which can be used as a defence when it can be suggested that a jury may have been swayed by media and public opinion, which is not considered to be justice.
And I'm not suggesting for a minute that these animals deserve a "fair trial". But I don't make the rules. The people posting this sensitive information could be doing more harm than good in the long run when it comes to these evil people getting what they deserve!!