This site is excellent if you are looking for padding to your genealogy which is is the family history aspect of your search , or the meat on the bones as it is usually termed craft. The access to archives site contains a database of records from most County Record Office colections and predominanly the Quarter Session catalogue and estate papers, some solicitors records, assizes and parish records like removal and settlement filiation (b@stardy) bonds and wills. It is not an index or collection of pariosh registers as these were deposited to the Diocesan Record Offiice within the CRO and they are also welll catered for in other indexes.
As an example of what you can locate, put a name in the search box and a list of instances of that name comes up , it's quite complex to search the list sometimes as documents are grouped into categories and you have to enter the linbk then browse, but it is very useful and worthwhile.
It's an excellent site and means that the local county record office is able to show off what it has and then once you find an item you can send for a copy of it to include in your own research archive., you can spend hours researching in there but before you start you need to be sure of your facts as there is not very often much detail to confirm it is your ancestor.