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Is Is Fair For Hairdressers To Charge Men And Women Diffrently

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bluefortress | 13:15 Mon 16th Dec 2024 | Body & Soul
20 Answers

A lot of men have short detailed haircuts these days like the mullet. Whats the diffrence between a male and female mullet?

At my local hairdressers for a 'gents cut and design ' prices are ebtween £28-34 and for a 'ladies cut and design' its £43 - 49 

If a woman went in and requested a mans mullet cut from a magazine, is it fair to charge her for a womans cut..



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Usually more hair to deal with on a woman so takes longer.

Vote with your feet and go elsewhere.

^yes, hair today..gone tomorrow.

I suspect more would be done to please the lady customer, enhance her 'hair doing experience', maybe offer coffee, hair wash, a natter, lots more things applied so it looks silky and wonderful, etc. etc. etc.. But if they asked and got exactly the same style & treatment then charging the same price would be fair.

Now, is it fair than a guy who has gone bald over a large portion of their dome gets charged the same price as someone with a veritable mane of locks ?

If the ladies are mug enough to pay it, then why not ?

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Old geezer that might be equivelent to just trimming a fringe (being generous). Which many women go for and have to pay £20 odd quid : D

I do my own hair. A good haircut too.

We pay exactly the same at our hairdressers, £15 each.

Neither of us have a blow dry, she just sprays our hair to wet it a bit, cuts it, and off we go home. The last time I had a blow dry was my wedding day, I hated it and immediately washed it when I got home, total waste of money.

I do love a blow dry. I need to book one now.

Husband pays about 1/6 of what I do for a cut.
No one would ask for a mullet now. 

You have to remember that for many men (me included) the majority of their barber's bill takes the form of a search fee"!


LOL ^^^ at NJ 😂

o god get a life - I pay 50p down Nando's for a No 2

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Clover you are joking Mullets have come back in trend

I go to three lady barbers down here on the south coast.  OAP rate for a very very decent haircut is £7.50p. Not surprisingly they are popular.

Style options for men are generally  fairly limited, and it's only recently they have started to venture into the realm of the colouring so they are mostly easy to do.... I think the majority would be in and out of a salon in maybe 40 mins,  most women would probably set aside  at least an hour, more likely two, and in a colour or three  it could be half a day..A whole day for African type hair according to a friend who gave up and wears wigs. The stylist has to know how to produce a huge number of styles, or be able to explain why the clients hair just isn't up to it.... Without causing offence.   I think it's obvious why there is a pricing gap

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That doesn't tackle my main point though Rowan - we know that often womens hair takes longer but why can't they just price the style and time taken rather than by sex...

If a woman wants the same haircut as a man- mullet, short back and sides or whatever should she be charged more.. 


Womens' products are more expensive than mens'.  Disposal razors for men are cheap, but women get smaller ones which are pink, and they pay more. I think that women are more gullible.

I pay £100 for my haircut.  My hairdresser travels about 8 miles by car to my home, cuts my hair, then drives another 8 miles back home again.  She chooses the date and time she can come.  If I went to her salon (which I can't as I'm disabled), it would cost me £60 plus petrol.

Do you think £100 is a fair price? 

We both go to same place in the village, I get booked for 15mins, she for 30 mins 15mins one the hair, 15 mins talking time.

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