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Kings and Queens

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HAZELDEAN | 14:24 Thu 26th May 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
what name is given to the widow of a king? which monarch's illness occassioned the writing of 'God, Our Help in Ages Past? How mnay verses make up the national anthem 'God save the Queen'? (is it 3 or 5, different numbers have been given). Which was the first horse to win the King George VI and the Queen Elizabeth syakes in consecutive years?


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Monarch is Queen Anne
Widow is a dowager
Widow - Dowager Queen
Monarch's illness - George 1
Verses - 5
Horse - Dahlia (73 and 74)
Anthem - 6 verses (last one about fighting the Scots!) Googled it.

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Kings and Queens

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