Oh God isnt there someone out there who knows how big the universe is, without answering, 'it is really BIG, pdq !'
I can imagine eye-rolling and accompanying arm flailing
If the universe is aged 15 bn years, then the observable universe is 15 light years across. There may be some more beyond that but we dont know.
I was goingto ask the posters whether Hubble 's constant was always constant or did it varywith time ? but Idont think Iwill
because I think thatthe answers I will get :
Ho is really really weeny, Peter
or perhaps
Ho is so weeny it cant get much smaller without being nought.
and you can imagine dingers and thumbs making weeny signs
The books I found good to read and easy to understand
are: a book of infinity - John Barrow
Constants in Nature, are they constant ? also John Barrow
Time travel in Einsteins universe J R Gott
Gott does a bit about the observable universe
and Barrow discusses whether g you know 9.81 m/s2 has always been that.
whcih goes some way to answering your question