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How Old Is Stuff You Use?

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Eve | 18:07 Sat 29th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
I was just thinking this morning that I still use the radio, alarm clock and large rucksack I had for going to university back in 1997. Probably after having the same Christmas stocking that my mum bought me for my first Christmas back in 1978.

I've had no reason to change them as they are still ok.

How old is some of the stuff you still use regularly?


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Have a blanket with WW2 Utility mark on it.
I sometimes use my mum's crimpers that are older than me! :)

She's got an electric carving knife from Boots that's older than me as well...
i have a table that my parents bought in belgium when i was born.
I have my grandads ashtray. It's really nice. It's a carved wooden stand and the ashtray fits in the top. I use it to hold change. He stopped smoking over 30 years ago.
good point i have some really old ashtrays
I have a hacksaw which has passed down through the family - though of course I have fitted a new blade several times.

I suspect it pre-dates WW2.
I've just thrown an old roasting pan that I mooched off my mum 18 years ago and I'm just thinking that the towels I mooched at the same time (they were her old ones back then) need replacing.
I'm not sure 'use' is the right word, but my OH is getting on a bit,

as indeed am I :o(
Grandma's crockery is still going strong, although not a complete set, we use it every single day.
Im still using the plates I was bought as a house warming gift in 1994
The sofa I'm sat on is ~80yrs old.
I have a kitchen knife I use every day. I bought it in 1970.
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I've got some cutlery Mum gave me to use - more knives, chopping things etc... that are probably older than I am.

Her hairdryer is though it's rubbish so I have to remember to take my own home else I'd be there for hours :)
I've only just had to replace the radio alarm clock bought when I left one job in 1988 - and our dishwasher has not long given up the ghost, having been my mum's and bought in 1992. I still have garden tools which belonged to my dad, they are at least 1970s if not earlier.
Have a wooden sewing box from when I was 10.
I also have my teeth that I had fitted in 1974!
We still have and use a Microwave bought in 1984, still going strong, use as a second.
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My copy of Lord of the Rings in older than I am too :)

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