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Great posts from everyone, enjoyed watching this thread develop. I believe jake-the-peg has had as full an argument from others that I couldn't have expressed better myself. I will raise one issue though; It is essential for us to pass on the whole, unadulterated truth to each other and future generations.
I'm a 'closet pessimist.' Get really p***ed off about the political, economical and warzone situations we have and injustice, mainly, because I know deep down that injustice is the norm for this world. But people focus on the exception to the rule, human achievements and advancement of modern civilisation. I can be patriotic about his country and it's achievements, yet also see the undercurrent of corruption, greed and violence that is cancerous to society. I can demonstrate it further because I served in the British army for just over 2 years and saw two tours of Afghanistan. However, when the decision was made by parliament to assist with the invasion of Iraq, I felt so strongly that our actions where wrong, I left. I would die and kill for my country, but I wouldn't murder. Make what you will of that but it was my conclusion.
Without all the suffering and pain endured by political, human, religious, employment, voting demonstrators who stood up to tyranny face-to-face, I wouldn't have my rights and freedom of expression!! And they are worth more to mankind as they are, like martyrs, forever remaining in history as a tragic end to such inspirational figures. Would Obama be in the White House today without Luther King's speeches of equality and harmony? Shot down in his prime, elevating him to a icon of righteousness.
Ok here's your tea-time teaser folks:- "Of all the lands in the British Empire, there is one where the British Army were unable to conquer the native peoples and were forced to sign a peace treaty with terms for allocation of lands and rights for the people... Who were they?