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A Ukip View Of History?

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FredPuli43 | 02:12 Thu 22nd Aug 2013 | News
21 Answers

The link says it all. Apparently Poland had been goading Hitler so was partly to blame for being invaded, and sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is "statistically insignificant " and is anyway the product of liberalism and the sexual freedoms of the 60s and 70s, among other interesting assessments.

Are any of the claims supported by historians or is this man yet another example of the type you may get if you vote UKIP?


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Is there anybody left in Britain that still intends to vote for these clowns ?
Hugh Williams is a Timelord which explains his unique take on historical events.

// Over a period of 200 years, 3 ships perished at the same location of the coast of Wales, on the same day (December 5th) and all 3 had only one survivor. The 3 survivors all had the same name : Hugh Willaiams. (December 5, 1664, a ship sunk in the Menai Strait, a stretch of water with tremendous tidal swings off the coast of Wales. All 81 passengers died, except one. His name was Hugh Williams. On December 5, 1785, another ship sunk in the Menai Strait, with again everyone aboard dying except for one man…named Hugh Williams. And then again, on December 5, 1820, yet another ship sunk in the Menai Strait. Only one man survived, and he was named Hugh Williams. This is an awesome legend, and the scope of the coincidence is staggering. Another source actually references two other British shipwrecks with the lone survivors bearing the name Hugh Williams, except they weren’t on December 5. In one of those wrecks, there were actually two survivors, an uncle and nephew, and both were named Hugh Williams. And so despite having two survivors, you could still technically say of the wreck “the only man to survive was named Hugh Williams.”) //

I think he may be a passenger on another vessel about to hit the rocks.
Mickey, I am sure many people will still vote UKIP. And again, why the name calling? You must be really worried out them.

And are they bigger clowns than any other fringe politician? (or even main party in some case)

Fred; why does it say it all? This sort of 're-write' of history has been going on forever, just look at New-labour.

and, if you remove the anger glasses, there is an element of truth in there.
Poland had been goading Hitler so was partly to blame for being invaded.
Sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is "statistically insignificant ".
It is anyway the product of liberalism.

// there is an element of truth in there. //

ymg...complete and utter drivel. UKIP has proved time and time again that they are full to the brim with clowns. AB's conduct rules does not allow me to express my self fully by using the words that I would like to use, so clowns it shall have to be.

Read the link above. This UKIP representative is spouting utter nonsense and anybody who is still thinking of voting for them should study the Party and its representatives very carefully, before marking their ballot papers in the future.

By the way, I am in no way worried at all about UKIP. I wish them every success in the forthcoming General Election, as most of their votes will come from the Tories, thus making a Labour victory more likely. I am not afraid of these clowns but its what keeps Dave awake at nights these days.

Well, that and Boris of course.

I rather suspect that this current round of UKIP bashing is not a rather clever Tory ploy.

UKIP are more damaging to them than the Labour party and this sort of story by their friends in the press really helps the Tories most of all.

Remember the Mail and the Standard have the same Editor in chief Paul Dacre

An added bonus for them is that this is an ideal way to let the liberals do their UKIP bashing for them
Managing UKIP has often been said to resemble the herding of cats.

Interesting view from Will Gilpin, who recently stepped down from UKIP ::

Far be it for me to feel sorry for Farage but surely it must be in his own interests to curb some of the more extreme forms of daftness in his party, at least. We are about 18 months away from the start of the 2015 Election campaign and all this nonsense from his more vocal representatives like Bloom and Hugh Williams can't be doing his parties chances of success any good at all.
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/// anybody who is still thinking of voting for them should study the Party and its representatives very carefully, before marking their ballot papers in the future. ///

Surely this is what most people do before voting for any of the political parties, but with Labour it is a little easier, one has only to look back on their last disastrous 13 years in power, before coming to a conclusion why they should not vote for them ever again.
The Poland 'idea' if you can call it that is simply ludicrous. Hitler set out his intentions years before any 'goading'. And many people forget that the invasion of Poland was a collaboration between two dictators - the Soviet Union invaded as arranged from the east a little later
AOG...I shall ignore your post of 09.16, due to its childish nature.

If you think that UKIP's clowns, like Hugh Williams and Bloom are right, why not try defend them here on AB, rather than try to shoot the messenger ? Defending them might be a tad difficult, but I am sure you could give it a good try !

Can I use this space to repeat what our current Prime Minister thought about UKIP, in 2006 ?

I wonder what Dave would say now, if he were asked the same question ?
Them there pesky Poles, being so deuced provocative. Of course Germany had no other option but to invade. They had probably been taking up all the plumbing and labouring jobs in Germany, they have only had themselves to blame :)

I think Jake has it right actually, not that UKip are not their own worst enemy with their less than rigorous candidate selection process. Tories are mounting a pre-emptive smear campaign.
LazyGun and Jake..You may be right about the smear campaign, but if it true, then the Tories hardly have to lift a finger to find material that will put UKIP in a bad light !

The old adage that when you are in a hole, stop digging, seems not to have occurred to UKIP yet. Long may it continue !

/// AOG...I shall ignore your post of 09.16, due to its childish nature. ///

There was nothing at all childish regarding my 09.16 post, but it obviously upset you, taking into consideration your need to try and belittle me.

May I now inform you that you once again failed miserably, so dare I suggest that perhaps it is yet another vocabulary problem on your part?

AOG...drivel and nobody takes you seriously. You just moan.
So what do you think of the historical views expressed in the OP, AOG?
"AOG...I shall ignore your post of 09.16, due to its childish nature"

hahah, thats rich coming from you and the peurile immature drivel you have a knack for posting on an almost daily basis.

but ya still posted though..didnt ya !?
"AOG...drivel and nobody takes you seriously. You just moan."

youve got some front coming out with garbage like that, you should stick to the Archers, sums you up nicely, a sad old person with a big chip on your shoulder

good morning Mr kettle said Mr pot
Does anyone know if U K I P has taken over the Monster Raving Loonies ?
Sounds like it.
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youngmafbog, I wasn't wearing anger glasses in posting, believe me. Humorous glasses, perhaps.

Wouldn't call it rewriting history, exactly. It is more like misunderstanding history, to put it charitably.

Began to wonder, when the man said that the Poles were 'partly to blame' for being invaded 1) what they'd done to 'goad' Stalin 2) how a country can be 'partly to blame' (that sounds like 'she was asking for, it so I raped her') 3) what the evidence was for this suggestion 4) what the Netherlands France, Sweden, Russia, Belgium, Britain had done to excuse the invasion or intended invasion. Is it just Poland that was 'asking for it', provoking Hitler? It is evident that Hitler planned expansion from the outset and 'goading' never existed. And what did the Jews do to 'goad' Hitler? Someone has been taking Hitler's own propaganda as truth.

Have you anything to say about the Borgias? Or the liberal Roman Catholics deciding to abuse children?

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