Hmm what about a related question: why were there reformations in countries where the King didnt need a quickie divorce ?
In Spain - there was a collapse in the economy during the eighteenth century when the silver from the New WOrld ran out.... and the church lands were nationalised
IN France there was a reformation -but it is a Roman Catholic country
and on French wiki read all about it under
Clericalisme. anticlericalisme, laicite, secularisme
During the revolution there was a wave of anti-religious feeling....
I think there was summit called - massacre de septembre where somone goes in and finishes off 4 Bishops, 86 priests 4 'laics'
kust because he feels like it
and after 1870
there was another one
all priests and nuns are chucked out of gay Paree (which becomes even gai-er I suppose as a result) but I dont know what happens tothe religious houses
Mejico - big wave of anticlericalism see Froggie wiki in the 1890s
well you asked