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bonnie and clyed

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hayley-sandy | 22:31 Tue 06th Sep 2005 | History
6 Answers
how did people contact this couple


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I don't understand your question. Could you explain a bit further?

By waving big wads of dosh around and waiting till they robbed em?????????????


2 empty baked bean tins and some string. 

-- answer removed --
Or people could have been standing behind the counters in their banks and they would say "Can I help you sir" and they would reply " Good afternoon ,my name is Clyde Barrow and this is my partner Bonnie Parker,could you give us the money or we will blow your brains out".
Bonnie Parker is buried in the Crown Hill Memorial Park and Clyde Barrow in the Western Heights Cemetery both in Dallas Texas. How you would contact them is beyond me since they were ambushed and killed in 1934 in Bienville parish in Louisiana.

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