Many thanks
I just can't see where the V comes from in that answer. I was expecting the answer to definitely contain G (because of Geographical). Then maybe an S and a G (due to Strausberg's outskirts). Both the W & G are correct so I suspect VWAG could be correct, I'm just struggling with the logic.
There is a company called SWAG but they make engine components but they don't make vehicles and aren't located in Strausberg..outskirts in German is 'Stadrand,' by the way......that's why I favoured VW.....
Hi JohnT - I get Geographical too and this one has me rattled! I think VWAG is correct, but because VW AG is a German transport company (Ag is a German corporation), but I don't get the cryptic bit of G (Geographical) in "Strausberg's outskirts" I now know Strausberg in Google maps quite well!...
...unless (Geographical located) as in "we located" in Strausberg's outskirts, a VW dealer... of which, oh yes, there is one! Just along Hohensteiner Chaussee in the outskirts... hmmmmm.
Hells Bells... now I think Calibax was right the first time... Geographical W and E (west and east) located in S and G for the German transport company SWEG (Südwestdeutsche Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft). Strewth. Anyone got 23A?