Any chance of a fast-wind point for the part which you were too tired to describe in words?
Some of us have seen tens of hours of World War 1 & 2 documentaries and don't have the willpower to sit through another 90 minutes' worth, solely to spare you the bother of naming the location/incident.
If you make a claim and it's a renowned incident, then we'll take your word for it and not challenge you for links or reference material. We only need that when it's a news story, you are miles ahead of us and the story stretches our credulity. If it is established history there is no need to post a video of that length.
We can skim-read a wiki article in minutes. Cannot do that with a video.
(this comment is really directed to all people who post videos to back up their claims, instead of reading material, not solely at you, AOG).