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Bible Prophecy Again.

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Theland | 02:51 Tue 18th Dec 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
53 Answers
Even atheists will be aware of the Bible prophecies predicting a one world government, a one world religion, a one world economic system.
Well the fact that the Bible makes these claims from millennia ago, is tru in itself. But are the claims themselves true?
Agenda 21 is an important clue to what is happening.
Our own politicians are part of this too. We were ignored over Maastricht, and then Lisbon, and big money is driving our Remain campaign, Soros, Bliar, to name just two.
Scoff at the Bible, but you must admit there is food for thought.
For those who don't like videos, don't watch it, and do your own research to test this out.


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Agenda 21 in action I'm one small part of one small county in Santa Cruz. It is worse than even I thought it was. A truly part of a global agenda, and the Bible saw it all coming.
The Marakech Compact is just another piece of the jigsaw. People not consulted about momentous decisions that will enslave them.
Given the powers we are up against, I think the EU and the Remainers will win the day, in some form that keeps us under the heel.
No wonder the Americans won't give up their guns!
I missed all that in the bible
Claiming the world will one day unite isn't particularly difficult. While it hasn't one can still claim it's coming one day. And the EU isn't the world.
>>>Even atheists will be aware of the Bible prophecies predicting a one world religion.....

Yes because all the religions get on with each so well don't they.

How can anyone go on supporting religion when all over the world we hear about one religion killing and bombing those of a different religion.
I still think here's more to fear from The Mysterons meself.
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You all missed it. Never mind. Christmas is coming and there's football and celebrity on the telly. So it's all good.
Theland, //do your own research//

Since you posed the question I shouldn’t have to – not exactly courteous, Theland - but I did and I consulted the Christian website ‘Got Questions’, so I presume that’s acceptable as research goes.

Their mission statement:

"Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually related questions through an internet presence."

No agenda there then!

You say:

//Well the fact that the Bible makes these claims from millennia ago, is tru in itself.//

No it isn’t. According to Got Questions //The Bible does not use the phrase “one-world government” or “one-world currency” in referring to the end times.//

Got Questions goes on to say, //It [the Bible] does, however, provide ample evidence to enable us to draw the conclusion that both will exist under the rule of the Antichrist in the last days.//

See that ‘draw conclusion’ bit? That surely allows me too to draw alternative conclusions …. no?

I watched some of your video and concluded that it’s a truly gigantic leap from UN initiatives to world control. Incidentally, the speaker wasn’t that easy to pin down but he appears to be writing books (surprise!) and no doubt making a living from his pursuits.
Having trouble sleeping Theland?
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Naomi, I don't disagree with you. The Bible does not use such phrases, but describes, as you well know, conditions in the end times. Restrictions on and selling for example. It is all well documented.
Agenda 21 is not a fruitless exercise, neither is Marakech. The conditions are being met for the picture described in the Bible.
But thank you for taking the time.
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Theland, //The Bible does not use such phrases, but describes, as you well know, conditions in the end times.//

It describes fantasy, Theland.
Theland, here’s a thought for you. If what you say is correct, that eventually the world will be controlled by one governing power, wouldn’t that mean an end to wars and disputes between nations and peoples? In other words, peace on earth? If so … would that be such a bad thing?
if there was a nuclear war and anyone lived? those that did would mmm have one government all slowly dying from radiation, including all living things plants and animals inc, so the four horsemen have nothing to exterminate...perhaps they would play tiddlywinks together.
well I read the Bible
I should have seen this coming .....
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Ozzy - I like that. The one trick pony, gives his testimony, then relaxes in the weeds. Yeah man!
Not these days friend, but if I didn't have COPD, I would certainly be relaxing in the weeds! Just like the good old days!
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Naomi - Not an end to war. A seven year peace pact between Israel and her enemies, and broken halfway through. The Bible predicts a gathering of the Jews into the land, and this has gone on for decades, but has gathered pace in the last few years. As worldwide antisemitism increases, so Jews from all over the world return to Israel place of safety.
This is in preparation for another prophecy, "The time of Jacobs trouble."
Even a vigilant atheist can read the prophecies scattered throughout the Bible, then compare them to both history and contemporary events, and look out for the congruence.
For example, in 2017, (I think), the United Nations passed over twenty resolutions against Israel, and only three for of the rest of the world!
That is just a flavour of the international institutionalised antisemitism that prevails, just as the Bible predicted.
Good points though Naomi.
Will try to address others later.
//Even a vigilant atheist can read the prophecies scattered throughout the Bible, then compare them to both history and contemporary events, and look out for the congruence//

In much the same way that a ''vigilant atheist'' can read the prophecies scattered throughout Nostradamus's quatrains and compare THEM to both history and contemporary events and find a congruence.

But it doesn't make it true. Also it has been pointed out to you (several times) that the bible made prophecies that never happened but somehow you don't seem to read those posts.

Selective thinking.
Gawd - as Nigh and 3T fitfully [and very amusingly] quip:

mature people taken in by biblical prophecy shock !*

You dont have to be mad to post on AB on this thread but - - - no I am going to change that to : you DO have to be mad to post on AB ....

* Reuters: following the shipwreck in the west ( no, that isnt Brexit folks - thats the shipwreck in central London!), three men in turbans were seen rowing from the ship (kuzmin) followed by the usual comet tail of police, armed police, nuclear armed drones and special forces. They made landfall and with their cargo mounted well fed and watered donkeys and diappeared into the interior ..... Inn-keepers and Stable hands in Cornwall have been warned to be on the look out for these dark suspicious men and to dial 1- 800 - HEROD to report signtings. Maternity units have been advised to slit the throats of an immigrant babies just to be sure -to save costs of course ...
'Agenda 21 is an important clue to what is happening.
Our own politicians are part of this too. We were ignored over Maastricht, and then Lisbon, and big money is driving our Remain campaign, Soros, Bliar, to name just two.'

Is that a cuckoo I hear....?
// prophecies scattered throughout Nostradamus's quatrains and compare THEM to both history//.....

showly cane - bub - I met a French couple in Luxor who were from Lucerne ( which isnt in France Ha!) where the League of Nations was based ( which it was) and they were mentioned in Nostradamus

"The speeches of Lake Leman will become angered, the days will drag "..

clearly predicting the failure of the League of Nations and the outbreak of the Seond World War in 1939

and blimey they looked at me as tho I were fou-fou or something. I mean that is not fair is it? the sun had got at me or something

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