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Kids !! God They’Re Daft Lol

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Smowball | 17:17 Thu 28th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Teen Smow got home from a late shift at 2am and thought he’d lost his front door key, but instead of ringing doorbell, or phoning any of us, he decided to sit in porch for FOUR hours till Mr Smow got up and left for work! Bizarre thing was that he had his key all along, but in a different pocket!! Anyone else’s kids done a daft thing lately??


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Glad to seeMr Smow is still about and that you worked it out x
Alcohol ?
The last time he did that, he rang you though, didn't he ?
Yes please Anne, a large one ta.

People do the strangest things.
Gosh yes he only did that last month. I think it's a bit beyond daft, sitting outside for 4 hours at this time of year risks hypothermia.
My son climbs through an upstairs window!! He doesn't even live here.

I've told him over and over again to ring me and bang on the front door....
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Yes it’s the second time he’s done it!! No alcohol involved - he was working! Think I might just leave a duvet and pillow in porch!
I don't have kids. I have a grandmother. She takes daft to a different level. Last daft act only just avoided hospital.
That's what I'll be like I reckon :-)
One of mine used to have a nap on the train home and wake up at the terminal (terminus?)
a 10 minute journey ended up with him 40 mins away.
daft soul - tired but no alcohol either :-) OH has done that loads of times, and missed flights, alcohol involved :-)
missing a flight?!! dear lawd, ummm, I'd imagine if it was coming back from hollibobs that would be 10x worse than going on hollibobs.
He's got a very 'oh well, crap happens' attitude. He's grown out of it now, more or less.
My blood pressure would have gone through the roof let alone the amount of name calling when I did see him lol
This isn’t a recent episode but anyway. My son was going to catch a train to go to a uni interview in Leicester. He got on the first train he saw (just assuming it was going where he wanted to go, as you do) and ended up in London. He did manage to get there eventually without paying any extra fare.
Why? Seriously? You get home, think you've lost your key and dare not ring the doorbell. Does he not get on with your OH? Twice...… I'd be worried. Maybe he's traumatised by what happened to his dad. Maybe you need to ask him why he'd rather freeze in a porch than ring the doorbell. If he was my son I'd be concerned.
Polly, Polly, Polly, please at least attempt to enter into the spirit of this ongoing tale of everyday folk. :-P
Douglas :-)
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Polly! Seriously??
Ignore it, Smow.

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Kids !! God They’Re Daft Lol

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