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Inauguration Of Joeyboy

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jennyjoan | 22:57 Fri 22nd Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
I could not, watch not any kind of not watch anything regarding trump leaving and joe entering. I couldn't put myself through it - that a man ( as much I could like Joe (if I knew him) how he wants to change the world at 77 years of age - my Jesus he is 3 years nearly 80 years of age when most people of that age are usually in a care home fiddling with their buttons and being cared for.

I wish these old gentlemen could get their grandchildren by the hand and take them to the local park. That's all I can say cos I'm not in the greatest of moods.



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Don't worry about them JJ , leave all that in the News and Politics department.

Sorry to hear your mood isn't good.
‘ I could not, watch not any kind of not watch anything’

I'm not sure that this website is really the best place to exhibit ageism, is it?
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bad news after bad - will it ever get better - I don't think so with this lockdown - we might as well be in prison. No meetings with friends, no coffee, meals, with friends, no hugging, carrying on, pretend fighting - you know what I mean. This last lockdown is really getting to me and I can't stick it no more. I fear for the businesses shutting down, kids can't get normal schoolwork, rules for hospitals and so it goes on and on and on. And I am watching friends children going into despair and breaks my heart.
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chris you know what I mean - I seem to be completely disinterested in what is going on - what the heck in America - that doesn't help us. They're not interested in us either and I certainly don't think joe can help us nor can Francis (Pope). Far too elderly - bring on the young ones who can may be make loads a mistakes - but sure let them.
I thought for a minute Joey Essex had been inaugurated.

You can't refer to Mr. Biden as 'boy'.
How often do you meet with friends?

I wouldn't let young kids go out anyway. Too many cars.
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Ummmm - I'm not talking about young kids - I'm talking about teenagers who don't where they hell they are - between or betwixt - no jobs at the moment and nothing to look forward to in the NEAR future.
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where I live Ummmmm - I could meet many friends when I'm out with Maxie but not now = I live in very close proximity with pretty much of them all - even neighbours.
And what about the Queen (94) and Prince Philip (99)? Would you like them to be in a home fiddling with their buttons?
There's plenty of jobs. My daughter works in recruitment. They just won't work for the hourly rate. If you offered my son £150 a day he'd laugh and hang up.
//I live in very close proximity with pretty much of them all - even neighbours.\\

Now that's what I call real Irish!
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Ummmm - what the hell does your son do
He is only 4 years older than trump!
I know of many 80 plus year olds that are not sat in care fiddling their thumbs, there are some on here!
I said on another thread of yours, you can still have a coffee outside and go for a walk and talk to people.
I agree with you totally about not being able to socialise jj, as I wrote on your thread yesterday. I think the only people not totally fed up are those who didn’t socialise much before lockdown. I also sympathise with your problems with hearing and masks. My son is quite deaf and it’s driving him mad, as he can’t hear what people are saying and can’t lip read. The whole situation is dreadful, but I’m afraid we’ve just got to grin and bear it. You and I both and the many, many other people in the same boat.
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Margaret - how can we grin and bear it - sure nobody sees the grin LOL

As for walks - that takes only 20 minutes and looking out my window now - all the cars are covered in ice and I'm not going out to break a leg - that would be the next of it. Between wearing my jolly beg/pulldown hat, the mask, my glasses, the hearing aid, all you can see are slits for eyes. A sight for sore eyes LOL.
It’s alright jj. People who keep saying go for a walk are reasonably fit. I have chronic asthma and arthritis, so the weather has to OK for my breathing and even then I only last about 1/2 an hour!
Avatar Image ummmmThere's plenty of jobs. My daughter works in recruitment. They just won't work for the hourly rate. If you offered my son £150 a day he'd laugh and hang up.

Over a grand a week turned down, wow.
YEs we all feel the frustration.
But if you cant go out because of the ice you wouldnt of been able to visit friends anyway even if there was no lockdown, so maybe its winter blues

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