Many people seem to feel that there are no moral laws and choose a permissive philosophy or religion that fits their own desires.
However, there are those, who choose another way, the ‘narrow way that leads to life’ as outlined in the Bible. We should not be surprised that this is the choice of only the minority, for Jesus said of the narrow way: “Few there be that find it.” (Matthew 7:14) Why just a few?
Well that is because the narrow path is restricted by God’s laws and principles. Therefore it would appeal only to someone who is sincere in his desire to conform his life to God’s standards. In sharp contrast with the broad road, which gives the illusion of freedom but in reality enslaves, the narrow road, which seems restrictive, sets a person free in every important respect. Its boundaries are set by “the perfect law of liberty.”—James 1:25.
Many who choose the broad way claim to enjoy their freedom. But most of them are driven by a common spirit of selfishness. This shows that they are not free at all—they have a master. They are slaves of the flesh. And this leads to many problems—pandemics of sexually transmitted diseases, broken homes, bodies and minds that are sick from drug and alcohol abuse, just to name a few. Even those acts of violence, burglary, and rape find their roots in the selfish thinking nurtured on this permissive broad road. And, as time goes on, this road only leads into destruction, at the same time, becoming moe and more hurtful.
So the discerning person would realise if he is on the "right" road to life, or the "broad" road to destruction.