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soon be rocking up at Dover in a lifeboat...

At least it says the authorities are trying to return them home. Wonder how likely they are to succeed.

At least they had to get here on their own. When the RNLI see this they'll be off to the med.

care for calaise will be senfding a rep there, with a brochure on uk benefits.

Europe has had it.  Whatever it does now will be too little too late.

I am very much afraid that naomi is right, in that the Europe we have known and developed is disappearing; has disappeared.  We will follow - it may already be too late here as well, because we have not insisted on good integration before rights are granted.

It is an invasion, webbo, and I believe that it has been planned and encouraged.

Vote for those determined to enforce mass deportation of all illegals. That's the way forward.

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Seven best answers so far, thank you all

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