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Good Morning Sunday Birds!

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Smowball | 06:48 Sun 27th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Well, I woke up & glanced at my Fitbit on my wrist, which said 07.15, so assuming that it would have obviously updated the time overnight I've got up thinking it actually is 07.15. Came downstairs and put kettle on then looked at clock on wall which said - 07.17 - and clearly hasn't been altered as it's a actual clock, so therefore needs to be put back an hour. So my Fitbit has NOT gone back  an hour lol. Oh well, at least it's light!

Looking dry and pretty clear out, and v mild, so hoping to get a few jobs done today if poss. Want to get to the local tip before it shuts at 1pm with a couple of sacks of garden rubbish, leaves mainly. I love the leaves falling but god they can be dangerous and slippy on a damp patio or decking! 
Hope everyone else has put their clocks back ok, and doesn't fight with the awkward ones such as the cooker. My friend just leaver her cooker one and waits 6 months for it to read the right time again lol!

Anyone up to anything today?? X



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Morning smow, I do that with my wristwatch, just leave it and I know for 6 months of the year it will tell the right time.  I never wear it so it doesn't matter too much.  Still got up at 5.30 as usual so no extra time in bed.

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Morning! That's early -  no lie in?

No, usually up between 5 and 6.  Back plays up so no point in just lying there making it worse.

Well, after reading all that Smow,  guess prepare for a sleep 

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lol morning Oz - you ok? What's todays plans?

TSM - I know what you mean about back pain, so do you get up and just sit with a cup of tea/ coffee in bed? Or do you actually get up at that time and start doing stuff?


how you doing 1ozzy, still working for Mrs Steptoe.

Get up smow.  Then start doing stuff if I feel like it.

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I did lol, fed cats, put washing machine on, unloaded dishwasher & now upstairs with a cup of tea on my iPad : )

Morning all.  I managed to delay our morning routine by half an hour, hopefully same tomorrow to get us in synch.

Today I hope to spend a bit of time tidying the garden, can't see the steps for leaves.

Roast pork for dinner with apple sauce made from our own apples - and apple crumble 

I completely forgot about the change of hour, fortunately the alexa dot I use as a bedside clock changed automatically.  Realised when I got downstairs and saw the oven clocks.

We keep going out, so must do some housework and get on the Bank website and pay some bills. 



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Morning Barry. Ohh the roast sounds wonderful. Haven't had roast pork for ages. Yummy!

My in-laws new neighbours are the end house of a culdesac and this backs onto a small wood. Looks stunning when the leaves are changing colour but now they are falling  daily by the bucketful & so they walk up to their car and driveway completely covered every single morning! They can't wait for winter when the trees are bare lol!

My house backs on to a wood and we have several fruit trees and aspens so the compost bins are kept full. 

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Where do you live again Barry?

On the Staffordshire/Shropshire border


I completely forgot about the clocks.  Looked at my alarm and thought "It's nearly 9, I should let the cats out".  Stood outside thinking how quiet it was even for a Sunday.  Then the penny dropped.  What is worse is the fact that I am on leave!

Morning all. I always change my clocks before bed, I cant be doing with waking during the night and being discombobulated by the wrong time when I am graoggy anyway. Unfortunately  the dog woke at yesterdays time so no lie in here. 

The sun is shining but its quite cool here. Today is a day I just have to get through, which I will.

Have a happy day everyone

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Morning everyone again x

I was going to do the clocks v late lastnight but MrSmow said oh leave them till the morning - then when it's time to get up you can have another hour and do them then. So I left them, have woken up hours ago and he's still fall asleep and no clocks have been touched yet lol. Just keep looking at IPad for the right time lol.

Good morning everyone. Still struggling with some clocks. I never set the oven or the microwave , leave them both on  zero. I am trying,(unsuccessfully), to reset the phone. I think if I wait for someone to phone it changes automatically. Will wait until tomorrow and see what happens.

Nice sunny but sharp day here, might chance some washing.

I have just got my first iphone. Following recommendations I bought a Samsung and I must admit I am struggling. It keeps bleeping and squeaking at me and I struggle to understand why. OH says have patience I will get there eventually! Must admit I sometimes feel like throwing it through the window. I am sure I am a born again Luddite!

Have a good day all.

Good morning Smow and everyone, Sunny oop here in West Yorkshire with just a few whispers of clouds about, it is a bit nippy out there though.

Today usual clean around my home usually tidy I do mean clean... later making some liver and Bacon I took out of the freezer last night and will be putting myself through it again watch ing Manchester United taking on West ham this afternoon.

Hope you all have a good one whatever she may bring you.

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