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Indoor Games And Pastimes

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Fudgie123 | 20:59 Sat 21st Dec 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

1) Ache add container plus key...(8)

2) Short alligator goes high each time initially ...(7)

3) Monarch consumes insect plus drink...(8)

4) Short feline offspring surrounded by smaller...(8)

Indoor games and pastimes

in aid of Pleyfauld house amenity fund.




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2 crochet

4 s kitt les

1. Pain tin g

3. Knitting

Good one...I couldn't get past ant for the insect. Isn't the insect a louse and the not is just the egg? 


I believe it is the egg but for these purposes I think it must be an insect!

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Indoor Games And Pastimes

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