the ones on police cars are real. The ones in the Hugh Grant movie are actresses and models. The ones with the head of a woman and the body of a bird are Greek myths.
MacG 1 - Naww! '-ettes' is a female diminutive from Old French, and the Harpies were quite definitely Greek. (But on second thoughts,...they did have wings, so maybe they travelled around the Mediterranian, even reaching France. Hmm. You could be right after all!).
OMG!!! ha ha im a 14 year old girl who finds this page amusing that there are ppl sad enuff to sit here nd type all about a thing tht mi mayte tld meh about p.s i thort sirens was ne nor ne nor (flashing lights) ha ha u sad gits i bet ur old, fat, ugly, unmarried, and spend ur tym on dating websyts but u always get rejected!!! boo boo :'( haha!! im only on this syt for a joke haha bubi u sad doo s