BEWARE THE MONK my great grandma was in some place in Wicklow i think in Ireland and she was on her own in the night and she came back saying she saw this really strange thing which made her scream. It lokked like a monk.I wasn't born around the time this happened and my nana who normally told me all these ghost storieshadn't told me about this. I know this story from my auntie Ann who was around at the time. As the next part is probably why my nana didn't want to be reminded. My nana was home and at that rate she was about 9 she went into the back garden and saw her mother (my great grandmother) hanging on a fence. She was trying to climb over a fence with jagged wres as that's how she got over to the next dorrs neighboors and she slipped i heard and the wire stuck into her leg and she was there hanging and my nana screamed for help. But she died.
after that, the next day, my nana was playing with this girl she wasn't aloud play with because she was bold, her mother didn't want to do that. The bold girl said:"I heard something, stay here." She went around the corner and came back screaming, she said she saw something.
I'd say she saw my nana's mother as if trying to say:get away from my daughter.
I know about 200 other ghost stories but ones i experienced or relatives and friends, well about 3 more i guess