Rather, chakka, let's do this. After reviewing your posts I find that you, without foundation or factual information, accuse the writers of Matthew (actually Levi) and John of not being able, are incapable of, writing the Gospels to which they are attributed. How about some factual information to back that up? You may already know that ca. 1920 or so, Rudolf Bultmann, et al promulgated this same general theory in his Form Crtiticism writings. So, forgive me, I meant no overt sarcasm, it's just tht this has all been covered many times before.
The problem, as I see it, is that you and those in your circle would like to believe that all dedicated Christians are of the knuckle-dragging, drool-at-the-chin, easily led variety. Many, many dedicated scholars of the highest degree have devoted lives to study of Scripture. They are well respected and easily and repeatedly refute the Bultmann's and Edelman's that show up regularly.
Christians are the first to readily point out that there are matters that are disputable in Scripture, boh Old Covenant and new. However, even ultra-Liberal provacateurs such a Bishop John Spong et al (he of the Jesus Seminar) freely discuss and conclude the historocity of The Christ. The writings contain absolutely no evoloution (no pun intended) of thought or form. They are today as they have always been. There are no demonstrated attempts at correcting obvious faults or errors such as found in the original Book of Mormon of the earlier writing of the founders of Jehovah's Witness, or even the Koran, as originally written. They also concur with the general, early dates of the autographs.