I have to disagree with kempie... I've lived in numerous Counties and States in the U.S. and in all the Sheriff is an elected position. The reason being the Sheriff needs to be free from political influence. In numerous cases the Sheriff has had to investigate and arrest political appointees or even other elected officials... As for differences between State laws... in most cases, the laws have to be compatibale and recognized from State to State by the U.S. Constitution. For example, this is one of the basic reasons for the intense debate concerning homosexual marriage in the U.S. A marriage, legally constituted in one State must be recognized in another, therefore a Constitutional Amendment is being sought to standardize this practise to one man and one woman across the U.S. This is mentioned only as a demonstrative example, byt he way... U.S. Marshalls, as previously mentioned, enforce Federal Laws, although they assist local agencies when needed...