does anyone know of any websites that can help me make a family tree? I know a lot require payment, i could do with something very minimal, or free if possible.
well try but you do need to know what you are looking for. i am helping a few people on msn with theirs, noone can just start using things like the IGi or the GRO index and understand how it works and how the registration system works.
nudge me with what u have so far and any info your have found already and i shall point you in the right direction and explain someof the sources. the basic version is free and it's very good, you can add photos and put password protection on to stop anyone looking if you don't want them to.
Just to add that Tribal Pages is only a site to put your family tree when you actually know who your ancestors are, it doesn't have any facilities to help you find anyone.
For that, you will need to use the resources mentioned by Dot.
Unfortunately there's no 'magic' website out there that does it all for you - if there was I'm sure it would constantly crash under the number of hits! lol Otherwise it'd be expensive.
As any would be geneologist has discovered, it takes lots of your spare time and even more cash!
I found very good, but you really need some starting points, such as dates of birth of grandparents etc