I think there could be a jacobite rebellion soon if all this jacob-ish stuff goes on much more - we've had his cheese [as it were] his ladder, his sheep [well I didn't] not to metion his party, joy, join now the book too, what next? Jacob witnesses Nell & Dale's nuptuals, driving a peugeot 309 - complete with correct tyre pressure, torque settings and a flock of animals begiinging with N, counting in Roman numerals, measuring with a 75 ft chain and drinking Burdall's gravy????? aaaaargh!!
maitre d' - Why are you getting in such a state, and anyone else for that matter who goes on and on and on.....about Q's that are totally inoffensive like Jacob's. Perhaps it's mainly the gals on this site who are blessed with common sense, because I would much rather see a Jacob-type Q than the ones that incite bickering and foul language. He certainly makes me laugh - but if his comments annoy - then there is a simple remedy - ignore them.
I asked the Q about Jacob's Ladder and it was a genuine question inspired by listening to an old album of
Huey Lewis etc.. It wasn't meant as a tribute but as it 'appens I like the humour he provides. I think some people should accept that this site is for anyone who wants to join in and not just those who think they are the dogs wotsits because they only answer "serious" questions.
Moit oi just point out that all these 'ere questions about Jacob's this and that ain't been posted by ole Jacob but someone else! Drochit oi think. Oi jest assume its 'ero worship.
Noam Abigail, that was moi twin brother ansurring above. Moi mother called us both Jacob, after the milkman for some strange reason, nivver did foind out why. No, oid nivver leave you for no-one me dear.