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european history

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lucasruss | 23:44 Mon 30th Apr 2007 | History
3 Answers
first european nation to try and execute their king?


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I suppose the Romans may be worth a try, who got rid of Tarquin in 509 BC - though this was more a palace coup than outright attempted regicide.

Several Roman emperors were also murdered at the hands of the Praetorian guard, if that counts (though I'm not sure of the first one). Again, this is dubious.

The question is a little more vague than it might seem at first - does civil war count as 'trying to kill' a monarch? Wars over royal succession? Revolt?
I think lucasruss means "to try " as in a court trial then execute him.
I have mused over this and think it is probably us with Charles 1 who was tried and executed .
I think that's the first successful one (unless you're including Roman emperors, as I've demonstrated). The question is which was the first to try, which is a little dubious.

Thanks for the info regarding Lucrassus, Shaney, I didn't realise.

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