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how do i find the history of my house for free?

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curious21 | 17:02 Fri 27th Jul 2007 | History
2 Answers
i would like to know the history of my house for free


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If you own or a buying your house ask for access to the deeds these will be held by your building society, bank or if you actually own the house by who ever you have lodged them with,these can give you a surprising amount of info. about who lived in the house and for how long if you are renting ask the landlord if he will make the info available.Local history societies and Libraries can often help especially in advising you how to find the info you want,as can the neighbours if they have lived in the area for a long time. Good look in your search it's just a matter of patience
it depends on how old it is, you can find reference to it in electoral rolls, town directiroes, census returns all of which will be in your local reference library, but the deeds arwe specific to the property and i have mine back to 1887 as now when you remortgage they send u the old deeds rather them keep them at the solicitor's or building society, as alot of places do not have the facilities for storeing them

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how do i find the history of my house for free?

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