Hi Naomi - long time no chat (this section's been oddly quiet of late!)
I'll be 100% honest and admit I don't know. It's not like I woke up and had a revelation or anything, so I'm not sure I'll be able to explain this...
I think I had a lot of time for reflection as to my religion, and how I got to where I was, and i found that I'd had my basic ideals ever so slightly coloured by people I was spending time with. I suppose I went from being animist (though not understanding the nature of my core values and beliefs) to spending time with like-minded people who mostly happened to be Wiccan. That religion had 99% of my beliefs encapsulated in it, and I really got a lot out of it - including a lot of education. Bear in mind that there's a hereditary folk-religion in my family, but this was a structured system that met my needs. You may know that in modern Wicca there's usually 3 levels of initiation, and it was when I'd reached the stage that I was ready for the second that a lot of meditation is called for. I realised in that time that I didn't actually believe in supernatural personalised deities as such, but rather the natural forces that they originally represented. It's a subtle but important difference. I decided it was time to re-explore my own soul and beliefs and here I am, maybe 7-8 years later and content!
I know this answer only scratches the surface, but I'd need chapters to explain the basis of all this, so forgive the brevity.