But we were better at fighting than they were, the fact that the Nazis could'nt lay their hands on raw materials, new tanks or munitions is because we (the U.K, U.S, U.S.S.R, Poland etc.) denied it to them, on land sea and air. War is about attrition, attrition in men (sadly) and materiel, the fact that we had more equipment is down (hugely) to the amount we denied them. The Battle Of The Bulge denuded Germany of a huge amount of tanks, the lack of air cover that we denied them made success impossible, they had no fuel because we denied it to them. I don't deny the skill of our enemy, it's just a simple fact that we out thought them and we out fought them. Every inch of ground (not quite every inch) the Germans occupied had to be recaptured at the point of a bayonet, our bayonets.
Is it really so hard to give credit and thanks were it's due and remember that, that frail little old man down the road was once a lion, a lion who roared into the most hellish places on earth and overcame it.
Nazi propoganda was all swagger, style over content, it's this style that people remember. It's hard to imagine how George Formby and his ukelele (hope I spelt that right) could beat Horst Wessel. But he did.
Coincidentally you're talking to a man who does'nt buy Varta batteries, use A.E.G appliances or wear Hugo Boss because to my mind they have'nt suitably acknowledged or admitted their war debts.
If all I've written makes me a chauvanist, then I have to say that I'm proud to be one!
I'm sure the Luftwaffe gained valuable experience in Spain, it did them precious little good in Britain or Africa, before American intervention.