It's a vintage Gibson J45 from 1966. I only know that cos Steve Forbert plays the same. lol
You can still buy it new from around �1300 online, but it does look slightly different, with the scratch plate riding higher on the older guitars than it does these days. . I dealt with these guys buying a SJ200 and can't fault them. ic/764-gibson_j45_modern_classic_acoustic_guit ar
Other than that you could look for an Epiphone Texan or similar model because that's a Gibson J45 copy.
And lastly fro my knowledge also the Blueridge BG140 you can find here for �499. itars.html#blueridge
I know these may all be out of your price range, but hopefully it gives you a good start for where to look.
Oddly enough, both the epi and blueridge look more like the '66 J45 than the current J45. Hmmmm.