You have to look at your constitution, I don't have it. Australia has seen one succession..the Hutt River province and another was planned. Just a bloody joke really, who wins? That Scotland has been released to at least have its own Parliament might give some legal leads for you or at least some fascinating reading as the issues would have been discussed in the Parliament. It is most unlikely that a street could secceed from a district. Such possibility would make the place a shambles and likey commence civil wars forever.Our so called "democratic" systems are geared to maintaining serfdom and do so very well. Your power in electing governments is well thwarted and the essential control is not with "the people". You are no longer subjects of the Queen in practise as Parliament reigns although token respect is given in getting "maam's" signature here and there. The monarchy under Stuarts (Steward..servers of the people" ) though maligned were descendants of the great European House and one huge advantage of benevolent and intelligent Royalty, part of a great house, is that, if and only if, it vows to serve the people..and does would have more input.In the meantime protest all you can, support greenpeace and groups trying to change direction, work solidly and decently on your local member of parliament and various unions. If you want a better world in UK start by resisting the new world order and the evangelistic crusade presently in force. Best of all give good example and insist on it down the line. No seccession will be necessary and even if you succeeded, shift the nuclear base..mate no chance and you'd find life hell!...and who'd fund your operations? Dead loss..make the world a better place some other way..