There are regular ads for a piece of material which it ia claimed will keep a chest freezer free from ice and the need to empty to defrost. Does it work?
If you mean a piece of fabric to place on the floor of the freezer, it seems to work on my upright freezer. I installed it two or three months ago. Don't know if it would be different for a chest freezer.
The product I used is called a Freezer Shield and it costs �4.99 from Lakeland. I've seen adverts for others but I can't remember the details.
There's also a spray which is claimed to speed up the defrosting process considerably. I didn't find that particularly effective but my freezer was extremely frozen up.
Thanks NCM.
The price i have seen in the ads is about �12-50 plus postage.
The ad has been repeated over last year or so.
It is a job which has to be carried out quickly to stop the contents thawing out whilst de-frosting so if it works the item would be worth-while.