Just a thought.
From what I read. He's met a woman and met up and they had a chat.
Now you may think this is cheating but I'm not sure whether a court would agree.
I'm not sure where you'd stand legally - Do you have a passport for your daughter? You might find you need his signature to get one if you don't.
You might like to head over to the Law thread to see if anyone there can advise you.
For what it's worth it sounds to me like your relationship has hit what is a very common hurdle at this stage of life and that you're throwing in the towel very quickly and that a lot of it is due to your (understandably) hurt pride. [ You mention being so embaressed ]
But don't take advise from us - why don't you book an hour of talking to relate
http://www.relate.org.uk/wantadvice/counsellin gbyphone/
They are professional councillors - they charge �45 to cover costs - it's a lot cheaper than moving to Australia