Can I still keep growing if i start weight lifting (dumbbell about twice a week and bench press only about once in a week or once in 2 weeks)?
What can i eat and do to increase height as much as possible? (apart from taking in hormones)
You can't do anything to increase your height. If you are young (under 18ish) then you will still be growing anyway and will become taller naturally. If you are older then there is noting you can do.
I am 16 and i started lifting a few months ago but it wasn't very heavy weights (just normal weights). But people keep telling me that if you weight lift you will stop growing. And i feel as if i haven't been growing.
hie you can exercise or if you have time to do so you can use step up height increaser as shw on on tv they give cash on delivery with money back guarantee..results shws u can try it their site