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No bloody foreigners!

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-gem- | 15:41 Fri 29th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
What do you think the world would be like with no borders, just one big country, one language, one government?

I saw a geeza on the TV the other day who said that our fixation with countries and borders is the main cause of war.

Watcha think? What country should we all settle on for the one language/culture?


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thats a good,but big question,but i think the answer is no,imagine it would be like those alien films where the whole planet's ruled by one overlord and everyday's the same monotonous groundhogesqe day till someone i trailing off into a different conversational direction again?
No, but I think the utopian hell you are describing could be Answerbank.......?
I think the notion of language, culture and borders is natural for the human species - as it is for a lot of the higher animal orders.

The main problem with 'multiculturalism' is that it is an abject failure. The notion that we all embrace everyone else's culturual identities is farcical in the extreme.

Tolerate - yes, no problem, Accept - of course, that is the way civilisation works. Assimilate - no, that is simply not practical. It leads to the farce of a London Council trying to enforce 'fasting' on its Council members who have happily met alongside Muslim colleagues observing Ramadan for years. What next? Making Muslim Council members take ashes on Ash Wednesday, give something up for Lent, attend Midnight Mass?

Cultural diversity should be celebrated and enjoyed, not blurred and neutored. Society is a diverse place becuase humans are a diverse species.

In response to your question - obviously America is the model of choice - they seem to think it's Ok rto force their ideas of freedom on the rest of the world, so why not takew the pressure off them and just accept that they are the best?
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Do you think it would be like that or do you think people would be so far apart that they would develop different cultures? It's mostly fighting over borders that makes the wars, I think.

lol@tenerife, you can all come stay at mine.
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thanks Andy.

omg, they made them fast? I lolled.
@ octavius,hahaha! thats so true!

and agree with andy hughes,integration but keep your identities values&traditions and we can all learn and share with each other! unity's the word!
I'll rtespect islam, when we have built a C of E church in Mecca.
That's just about right Andy, but as it says in the song ( Ithink it was by fleetwood mac )every ones going to be free, but theyve got to agree to be free.
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whatever henry8
you're on the ball with this insulting different race/gender/disability malarkey arent you
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My mate strongly values multiculturalism and a non-biased approach, ie he hates all foreigners equally.
well you better just hope they treat you with same respect if you ever go abroad
I'm not insulting anyone 4get
logic I came on gems question to question him/her
sorry, i get a bit carried away with this sort of thing.
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lol you came on a question to question me?

u is such a silly boy!!!
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I'm not racist, if that's what you're suggesting. I accept anyone, even if they're white, black, yellow, purple.

No wait, not purple. You have to draw the line somewhere.
And apart from that, try going to Scotland to start a one man business and you'll soon feel the resentment of the Scots,

But go as a tourist and you'll be fine,
So it's not just a matter of foriegn countries anyway.

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No bloody foreigners!

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