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eltelioni - you are correct (at last lol :P )
Working backwards, If the 3 most senior pirates have been killed and there's only 2 left - the most senior one knows that he can offer 100 for himself and 0 for the other - both vote and the notion is carried.
But before we get to the 2 pirate scenario, there would have been 3 pirates left. In this scenario, the most senior pirate offers to split the gold 99 for himself, nothing for the next senior pirate and 1 for the lowest pirate. Why ?? Well he knows that if he is killed and there are only 2 pirates left, the lowest pirate will end up with nothing (2 pirate scenario), so all he needs to do is offer the lowest pirate 1 gold and he'll vote in favour - otherwise he's end up with nothing.
But before we get to the 3 pirates scenario, there would have been 4 pirates left. In this scenario, the most senior pirate offers 99 gold for himself, nothing for the next senior pirate, 1 for the next senior pirate and nothing for the lowest pirate. Why ?? Well he knows that if he is killed and there are only 3 pirates left, the 2nd lowest ranked pirate would end up with nothing (3 pirate scenario), so all he has to do is offer him 1 gold and he'll vote in favour and the notion will be carried, with 2 votes for and 2 votes against.
But before we get to the 4 pirate scenario, there would have been 5 pirates (starting point). The most senior pirate looks at what would happen if he was killed (4 pirate scenario) and works out that the lowest ranked pirate and the third lowest pirate would end up with nothing so all he needs to do is offer them 1 gold each and keep the other 98 pieces for himself.