help with a history question??? =) in The AnswerBank: History
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help with a history question??? =)

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brandyrenee | 17:05 Wed 08th Oct 2008 | History
6 Answers
how did British treated the Native Americans of the 13 colonies?
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they followed the lead set by the Spanish and used them as slaves and contraband and destroyed their way of life and health by bringing european diseases and taking them from their own lands.
the very earliest colonists (at Jamestown) were under instructions not to hassle them, and to treat them as possible trading partners. In order to stay out of their way the colonists deliberately built their colony on a site where there were no natives. It urned out this was because it was malarial and the natives had enough sense not to live there. But the natives were generally helpful to the colonists and the colonists were respectful back. Not always, alas. And within 50 years there was a body of new colonists insisting the only good Injun was a dead Injun. It went pretty much downhill from there.
You should get some useful well-sourced and well balanced info from this link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/
Look at 'America, Empire of Liberty'
One of the grievances leading to the American Revolution was that Britain wanted to adhere to previous treaties with the tribes while the colonists wanted unlimited expansion...
By 'native americans' do you mean Red Indians ie Pocohunta/Hiawatha etc?

Google them to discover more of the indian tribes, then & now. The singer, Cher is Red Indian (they weren't British slaves)!
UGH! Please do not use the term Red Indian! It is highly offensive. And just because Cher sang a song called "Half Breed" that doesn't make her native Amercian. She is, in fact, of Armenian descent.

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