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Why is it ...........................................

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legendis.god | 14:05 Sat 13th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Why is it that i am what folk would call the main feature of chatterbank?

And without me within it there wouldn't be the same atmosfear?

Can anyone explain my popularity or not as it is not simple for me to understand ?

And can you be both positive and negative whilst being impartial?

As i do not know if you can or cant , do you ?


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One of the top 10 responses of all time on CB:

Fri 12/12/08

You only think they're mistakes because your grasp of the English language is on a par with Gary Glitter's grasp on childcare.

We know you're a cretin. You don't have to keep proving it.
You been away then?
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I was just pping for Lucy Thomas. Bloody good turn of phrase wasn't it!!
who's folk?
Question Author
A fortnight snaggy.

Was chattin to bramaid and shes verrrry nice.

D T H ?�?�?
Oh right... hadn't noticed ;-)
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Well you've supplied the first quarter-wit knobby, so stretch your simian grey matter and have a go at the remaining two-thirds
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Theres no greater compliment than a backhanded one.

It takes far moe effort ronaldo

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am i folk?
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Sometimes the mean can get on your end.

�Que problema?

� Nada !
Quality thread, has attracted all the top drawer intellects, and a couple of monkeys too.
are you ^ folk?
No I am not, I think legolard is Answerbank's skidmark.
Question Author
Ah kyleggy yes you are indeed folk.

And im attractive to you , so it would seem we are told wouldnt it ?�?
You are not the most popular member on here, although you do seem to think you are!

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