What was the name of the Imperial German officer who recorded and reported the events of the Armenian genocide as perpetrated by the Turks? And is there a book based on this account? Many thanks in advance.
I can't find any books by him in English, I'll try the literature section, I've just Henry Morgenthau's account and an oral account written by 100 Armenian survivors.
Wegner sounds like a fascinating character worth studying in his own right.
"A Shameful Act" written by Taner Akram who is a Turkish writer may give you the answer. Taner Akram was imprisoned for writing the book I believe. I found the book difficult to read because of the overwhelming chronological detail history behind the genocide.
Thanks, I've just finished "Ambassador Morgenthau's Account", which is quite good and am now reading "The Knock At The Door" (which is better) by Margaret Ajemian Ahnert which is written mostly in a very easy narrative style.