Margaret Ahnert in her book "The Knock At The Door" mentions the treatment of orphans in Turkey, but who ran these orphanages? Turkey's alignment with the central powers meant that British and French missions would'nt have functioned, American missions would'nt have allowed these abuses to take place (surely?) and the Austrian and German missionaries were wholly unsympathetic to Turkish atrocities so again I find it doubtful that they'd allow such actions. P.S. I have a question in books of a similar vein any help would be much appreciated there also.
That timeline is for modern (Turkish) holocaust deniers for holocaust deniers.
I've come to the conclusion that the orphanages were owned and run by the Turks as I can only find one reference to them in 1915 which is the year the book mentions it.
I should have used the word genocide instead of holocaust above, sorry.
I think the orphanages were set up by Djemal Said as he makes references to such in his memoirs.