My friend was in the army and got dishonorable discharge. he's sorted him self out over the last 2 years, and wants to know whether he can go back in? would anyone know if he could? or how to go about it?
Its a possibiliyty, but it would all depend on what he was discharged for, and if he can prove he's now a reformed character.
If he can prove he's reformed, then I reckon he should go down to his local recruiting office, explain his dilemma, without leaving anything out, and the recruiting officer/nco will be able to find out.
Having said that, I served ten years, and hadn't heard of it happening, but you don't know unless you give it a try.
I am sorry, but I was in the army for many years(inc WW2) and Dishounorable Discharge is the one thing that would prevent someone re~entering the army;this is why it is called what it is.It is named so to indicate that the person has committed a criminal act,or broken the military rules in such a way as to make them unfit to stay in the forces.
Like Lonnie I never came across(in 40 years service) anyone re~entering the army after this discharge.
Things may have changed on other matters,but I feel that this is a rule that is set in concrete.
He can(as Lonnie says) check with the nearest army recruiment office,but I am afraid he won't get back in.