It's easy and rather simplistic to dismiss modern political expediency to express a prejudice.
The idea of making a Jewish state in Germany seems reasonable, until you look at the situation back then.
We went to war in 1939 to guarantee Poland's borders and by defintion freedom, we failed.
We could not deliver a sovreign government in one of our staunchest allies, so how could we invent a Jewish land in divided Germany?
Where would you put it in our half or theirs?
Neither side was willing to dilute their influence in the region.
Britain, despite Churchill's rhetoric to the contrary, had to dismantle it's empire to appease the U.S, we could no longer afford it anyway, we had possession of Palestine, we could pay lip service to the refusal of a Jewish state in Palestine knowing full well that we could run off and leave the problem to someone else.
We s h i t in the Arabs room and left them to smell the cheese.