Cas i really don't think you need to dwell too much on what you were or weren't told as a child. Families kept children in the dark as they knew no other way to cope with the upset, confusion and possible shame of their actions, there were nor counsellors and agony aunts, no easy divorce, no state benefit system to help mums cope with being abandoned, ot with walking away from a unhappy or cruel marriage.
You should actually use the information you find to help explain your confusion at the lies you feel were told, they were told to protect you and keep you from worry.
I have just had a marriage certificate of my kids great great uncle, he married for tyhe first time aged 45 in 1953, we can only wonder what kept him a batchelor for so long, but he had been taken from his family home by the Catholic Nuns in 1913 and brought up in an orphanage after both parents died in 1913, but we now know he had 2 children in the late 1950s and so we have found close family that we never knew existed, even after doing this research since 1987, there is still something out there to surprise, stay with it cas, you never know what or who you'll find, but the dead won;t care and you'll know the truth.