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Baths in the bedroom? Are you on glue?

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nellypope | 21:14 Thu 04th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
I've noticed with alarming frequency the amount of people on (Grand designs, and various other home design TV shows) who are having baths installed in their bedrooms!! Why? The dripping taps, the damp smell, not to mention how my husband would feel about me wallowing like some manatee in the corner of the room whilst he's trying to sleep!!!

Am I getting old?


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'Are you on glue?' - haven't heard that for ages.
i feel the same about en-suites. It seems to be the epitome of luxury, but eerrgghh, if i'm going to poo (not admitting i actually do) i don't want to do it near where either i am going to sleep or where someone is already sleeping thanls!
I suppose you could have a bath together ;-)

Great if you're into watersports as well...
What about him doing the manatee act while YOU'RE trying to sleep? Is there a loo in this bedroom as well? - purlease no.... you might as well just sleep in the bath!
for example, you've been out for curry and a few beers, then when the love of your life is lying in bed, you get the squits with just a thin door seperating them fro all the lovely sounds and smells
A toilet would be more useful, I mean, how often do you wake up in the middle of the night thinking "I'm dying for a bath".
Haha, can only agree, and thanks for the laugh too :-)
Completely mad idea. You obviously have your bed in the bathroom.'d use the main bathroom...
bizarre idea, I like to flail around in a bath and I like plenty of dripping room, I cant imagine a bath in the bedroom what a damn nuisence! not to mention if its on carpet and panicking if I drip all over it
LOL chuck, I sympathise with that - staggering down the stairs to the loo at 3am, with catz thinking it must be breakfast time, is bad karma!
i had a friend whose only bathroom was an ensuite you had to walk through their bedroom to get to. It was embarrassing to stay over!
All these answers conjuring up some strange visions....especially the flailing cazzz, what, in the barfff?
Dear Nelly, your not getting old,you just have taste! I've seen progs like this,it's just cringe making.
P.S I dont understand 'open plan living', The kitchen should be the kitchen,the sitting room is where one gets away from the kitchen! Mess and smells. Who wants to have that,not very relaxing!
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Thistle I am so glad I am not alone, I felt obliged to mention the unwelcome appearance of soft furnishings in kitchens! How's do you get rid of the smell of last night's curry from your house when it contains a plethora of throw cushions (often featuiring the Union Jack) and a three piece suite! Back to bathrooms, there is something really seedy about it. Until I saw Grand designs, the only people I thought who had washing facilities in their bedrooms were hookers!!
It's not just mess and smells in the kitchen - it's noise.
Extractor hood, dishwasher, washing machine, food processor, coffee grinder. Even my microwave is darned noisy. It would drive me mad not to be able shut the door on it all.
These things change over the generations. Once upon a time a commode in the bedroom, or a chamberpot under the bed, was the norm.

I've not seen this bath in a bedroom idea though. I can see the luxury of stepping out onto carpet and having your wardrobe close at hand, but keeping it all clean and stuff.... well I suspect it must be another passing fad.

Not enough space in my bedroom for one anyway. Not even one that could be raised and lowered from under the floor ;-)
"It was embarrassing to stay over!"

Maybe that was the point ?
On one of those programmes I saw a bed with a bath under it! The mattress lifted up and there was the bath.
Many years ago my OH and I rented a ground floor flat. The toilet was outside and the bath was in the kitchen.

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Baths in the bedroom? Are you on glue?

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