Worcester Bosch CH condensing boiler in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Worcester Bosch CH condensing boiler

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corylus | 17:57 Sat 05th May 2012 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
We have a WB CH boiler installed about 4 years ago has been working OK but last week was leaking from some discharge pipe. British Gas man (service contract) has been and fixed the leak and it's now working OK. He tried to get us to have (BUY) some sort of magnetic gizmo fitted into the system to 'remove the iron oxide' ie rust from the radiators percolating into the water in the system and the boiler, sez it'll work for 20 years, and will cost £250 but about £200 if we buy now.

From what I hear about these new condensing boilers they won't be working in 20 years, or even 10 years. So what's the point of this magnet thing, I am not convinced?

Any ideas?
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I wouldn't be so quick to write off your boiler yet, Cory.......... even in 10 years...... especially a Worcester :o)

I'm afraid the gizmo is a new one on me. Hopefully Buildersmate will see this. He might well know about it.
The reasons for installing a magnetic filter in this way are two fold. Firstly, the filter will pick up any iron oxide sludge deposits, prolonging the life of the boiler and associated controls, pump and zone valves. Removing the iron oxide sludge deposits will mean that the efficiency of the boiler will be maintained and this in turn will prevent fuel wastage. They are an inline fitting taking only a short time to fit.

having said all that, like the builder says, Worcester Bosch are one of the best
and should give many years of use.
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Thanks for your replies, just wondering about this because friends who've had new boilers (not our make) have had to have them replaced or have serious repairs within a few years.

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Worcester Bosch CH condensing boiler

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