Whistling; whooshing sounds; kettling (sounds like a kettle boiling) are just some of the noises in a boiler's repertoire.
Kettling can come from a slightly bunged-up heat exchanger. Cleaning or replacement needed usually.
Whistling can come from the diverter valve (directs water to either heating or hot water as needed). It often stems from a low flow rate. Maybe low mains pressure or, more likely, not enough rads open , or restriction in the pipework. When a hot tap is opened, the heating flow drops, making the flow to the rads worse.
Fitting an automatic bypass often helps when rad flow is reduced for some reason. This sort of returns the water to the boiler instead of forcing it through the system and whistling.
The manufacturer's should be able to point you in the right direction. Or, it would be helpful to have an experienced boilerguy have a listen to identify the sound.
So many possibilities as always with boilers. I'm sorry I can't give you a fix, but an experienced ear should be able to.